Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cheap laser acne scar removal

« ...Try lemon- Do you know that lemon can be one of the best ways to cure acne? Application of lemon juice constantly on affected area can being you astonishing results almost instantly....
...I am a travel agent. One day I asked my wife, why she always denies going to any party with me? And to my surprise she told me with tears in her eyes, that she feels very embarrassed with ugly acne marks on her face. She asked me the same question. How do I get rid of my old acne scars? She started having serious skin problems, as a teenager in high school. She tried different treatments available in the market, like the skin care creams, lotions, and cleansers. Nothing really gave her the results she was looking for. In fact, she found out years later that the same over-the-counter products, she had spent money on and tried, had assisted in worsening her acne condition....»
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«...If you have long hair, keeping it from touching your blemished areas will help to keep it clean and not be exposed to more dirt and grease that can cause your acne to react....»
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tags: best skin care products for acne, best acne treatment for teens, laser treatment acne scar number

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