Saturday, September 27, 2008

Natural remedies from getting rid of acne scars

« ...Acne is a commonplace skin problem for the majority of adolescents and also afflicts a portion of the adult population. People of all different age groups and backgrounds have had to deal with acne at one point or another. Thus, there has long been a long standing desire to prevent it or even cure it....
...The truth is that, bacteria is EVERYWHERE, it is impossible to totally annihilate bacteria. One seconds you kill all, another million of their blood brothers appears. If it is not possible to totally get rid of bacteria, it is also not possible to treat acne using antibiotics. No question about it. Yes I do think that for a short period of time, it could aids to improve your acne condition, however, using antibiotic for long term treatment is unfeasible....»
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«...Many individuals have used the author's remedies with great success even though, for a few, it took a little longer than three days for the acne to clear up. This product offers a lot of hope to those that have tried almost everything else to fight off acne with little or no success in treating this condition....»
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tags: acne treatment and laser peel, procedures for acne scar removal, how long does it take for acne to go

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