Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to clear acne quickly overnight

« ...Although benzoyl peroxide works well, reactions can happen so it is suggested that any skin care product containing this should not have more than 5.5 percent of the active ingredient; should a reaction occur, products containing alpha hydroxy acid are generally safer. It might just be a case of trial and error to find an acne skin care product that works; if finding something that works is proving difficult, your dermatologist should be able to help. On-prescription treatments are prescribed by a dermatologist and can include ointments that can be applied on the affected area or oral antibiotics or just any topical ointment....
...What are you eating? - What you eat has a direct affect on your skin. You will always witness that the people who eat healthy and natural foods always have a healthy skin whereas people who stick to a lot of oily foods and wrong eating patterns would have a lot of health issues including acne or pimples. Try to add a lot of natural foods in your daily diet and make it a habit on a regular basis. Stay away from fried, junk or oily food as much as possible to really cure your acne condition....»
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«...There are a number of chemical and natural ways to combat acne. Try these after you've spoken to a good dermatologist, he or she will be able to help you decide the combination of treatments that suit you best....»
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tags: how long does it take to clear acne with proactiv, what herbs help you get acne marks off your face, acne treatment better than proactive

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