Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to prevent scalp acne

« ...Most do not utilize the information available to them from this resource, for one thing, the young are too impatient to take the time to do the research and the older ones are too busy with the everyday necessities of life such as caring for a spouse and children, working and taking care of the home to take the time to look up the information....
...Lastly, when you take in antibiotics, it is actually also killing the good bacteria in your body, and this will definitely affect your general health. As what you have learned from in your science class, there are good bacteria in our body that actually helps out in your body's digestive system. ...»
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«...Acne has been tormenting millions of people in the US. Many acne products have been popping up in the market but there is one acne treatment that had existed for thousands of years. That is the chemical peel. It was recorded in history that Cleopatra had been bathing in sour milk to maintain her skin smooth and nice. Lactic acid found in sour milk is effective in peeling the skin removing dead skin. Lactic acid belongs to a group called Alpha-hydroxy acid....»
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tags: cure for acne, what is a home remedy for acne, is acne an early sign of pregnancy

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